Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Network Response

Social media tools have launched and explosion of opportunities for people to connect with causes. SMF has been actively involved in consistent, regular updates on all of or social medial portals; this blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and our own customized network found on Ning.com. These venues work only as long as they are updated regularly and as long as people are reading them.

Most recently, SMF received a Tweet from a new Follower needing critical assistance locating a missing family member off Roatan, Honduras. This message illustrates the potential for broadcast announcements to network membership to move forward aggressively in response to the needs of others, something SMF has pursued aggressively since entering the social media market.

We encourage all of our viewers to frequent our media sites, giving us the added response traffic to effectuate our desired outcomes. Getting the word out is a massive undertaking. Finding the right mix of media tools is paramount toward reaching our goals. Keeping you informed is our responsibility, taking action is your option. We hope you are motivated to make the biggest impact towards address the needs of others who may not otherwise have a voice.

Regarding the missing family member off Roatan, we will be posting links and information immediately upon receipt. Let's all hope our networks work, before it is too late.

Brian Crowe
Executive Director, Special Missions Foundation

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