Monday, May 4, 2009


Special Missions Foundation makes available opportunities for organizational advancement through Affiliate Partnerships. Our resources offer support with organizational development, volunteer management, funds development, leadership training, administrative support, project management, visions and goals and much more.

You might have read about a few of our Affiliated Partners listed on the Partner tab of our website. These organizations represent an investment of time and energy by Special Missions Foundation assisting in achieving desired outcomes and strategic goals to best serve humanity. As Affiliate Partners these orgs are provided dedicated time resources of human capital to fulfill the formal agreement strategy set forth by both organizations. SMF becomes a team member engaged in a strategy for success and providing invaluable perspective, backed by a strong network of resources.

We encourage you to consider this opportunity for yourself, examining those areas where your organization needs those 'extra' hands to help achieve your mission objectives or desired outcomes. Let us help you customize an Affiliate Partnership that best fits your needs and your budget. Please call the Special Missions Foundation office today at 512-961-5279 or for your free organizational assessment.

We're here to help you make the greatest impact.

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