Friday, May 29, 2009

Wheels In Motion

The wheels are in motion.

Immediately upon news of the 7.3 earthquake that shook off the cost of La Ceiba, Honduras, Special Missions Foundation has sprung in to response providing an avenue to donate. We have leveraged our networks and resources to offer assistance wherever it is needed the most. With literally hundreds of network member organizations, partnerships, and individuals on the ground in Honduras providing humanitarian care response, SMF can direct financial resources where they are needed the most.

Join in this outreach response for the needs of those suffering in the wake of this natural disaster. 100% of designated contributions go towards relief efforts. To donate, go to

Brian Crowe
Executive Director, Special Missions Foundation

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Network Response

Social media tools have launched and explosion of opportunities for people to connect with causes. SMF has been actively involved in consistent, regular updates on all of or social medial portals; this blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and our own customized network found on These venues work only as long as they are updated regularly and as long as people are reading them.

Most recently, SMF received a Tweet from a new Follower needing critical assistance locating a missing family member off Roatan, Honduras. This message illustrates the potential for broadcast announcements to network membership to move forward aggressively in response to the needs of others, something SMF has pursued aggressively since entering the social media market.

We encourage all of our viewers to frequent our media sites, giving us the added response traffic to effectuate our desired outcomes. Getting the word out is a massive undertaking. Finding the right mix of media tools is paramount toward reaching our goals. Keeping you informed is our responsibility, taking action is your option. We hope you are motivated to make the biggest impact towards address the needs of others who may not otherwise have a voice.

Regarding the missing family member off Roatan, we will be posting links and information immediately upon receipt. Let's all hope our networks work, before it is too late.

Brian Crowe
Executive Director, Special Missions Foundation

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cultivating For Success

Strategies, Action Points, Protocol. Our office is swimming in a sea of NGO development strategies to effectuate goals. It's a very exciting time to be engaged in humanitarian effort internationally, seeing the fruits of our labors come into their season. Cultivation is everything.

Recently, I was provided a copy of a letter of invitation to the President of the country of Honduras to attend our NGO conference in September. It was pretty exciting to see this letter, noting that we'll have the Ambassador of the US in attendance as well as the Director of USAID, each presenting to the hundreds of participants and NGO's represented there. The picture here is of US Ambassador Hugo Llorens and myself attending the 2008 Conference on Honduras. This year is our 10th year to sponsor this event and it goes without saying, cultivation is everything.

You can't develop a comprehensive strategy for success without careful planning. Look at the success records of some of the most recognizable international humanitarian service orgs on the planet: CARE, Médecins Sans Frontières, Ameri Cares, Mercy Corps, Global Aid Network. It happened through the careful and intentional planning that included contingency plans when the trajectory encountered obstacles. These obstacles didn't derail their plans, it added a new dimension to the existing strategies. And all along, they cultivated the mission objectives, never losing sight of the goal.

As we press onward we offer encouragement knowing that collaboration builds capacity which broadens the footprint of successful humanitarian response. We're excited to be in the midst of incredible things happening internationally.

Brian Crowe
Executive Director, Special Missions Foundation

Friday, May 8, 2009

SMF Connection

We've observed a rather interesting phenomenon within our SMF Network Members and Affiliate Partnerships. In just the first 5 months of 2009 we've had several of our organizations experience some international media attention through mediums like CNN's Larry King Live, CNN Heroes, CNN featured stories internationally, a movie release, international press, and web promotions. These are great examples of precisely what we've tried to encourage. In the midst of a down-turned economy it is critically important to be highly visible, leveraging all media types to tell your story to as many different demographics as possible. Despite bleak economic reports there are still philanthropists who are keeping alive humanitarian response efforts. NGO's need to share their stories of opportunity with as wide an audience as possible. The rewards are simply too valuable to deny. When the economy returns, organizations who have invested in broad marketing and media exposure will have the benefit of resources as well as new partnerships in varied demographics. It is an opportunity that expresses itself exponentially.

Special Missions Foundation can be your vehicle for engaging in strategies of sustaining strength and presence. Through Affiliated Partnership, SMF dedicates resources of time and energy to ensure our Partners have thoroughly prepared and are actively involved in programs with design and purpose.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Special Missions Foundation makes available opportunities for organizational advancement through Affiliate Partnerships. Our resources offer support with organizational development, volunteer management, funds development, leadership training, administrative support, project management, visions and goals and much more.

You might have read about a few of our Affiliated Partners listed on the Partner tab of our website. These organizations represent an investment of time and energy by Special Missions Foundation assisting in achieving desired outcomes and strategic goals to best serve humanity. As Affiliate Partners these orgs are provided dedicated time resources of human capital to fulfill the formal agreement strategy set forth by both organizations. SMF becomes a team member engaged in a strategy for success and providing invaluable perspective, backed by a strong network of resources.

We encourage you to consider this opportunity for yourself, examining those areas where your organization needs those 'extra' hands to help achieve your mission objectives or desired outcomes. Let us help you customize an Affiliate Partnership that best fits your needs and your budget. Please call the Special Missions Foundation office today at 512-961-5279 or for your free organizational assessment.

We're here to help you make the greatest impact.