Monday, April 6, 2009

Reaching The Goals

Over the course of the weekend, Special Missions Foundation composed and generated our April E-News featuring the most recent news related to our Partners and to the SMF Network members. We've been excited to note the continual expanse of our footprint in humanitarian service awareness throughout the world. There is much being a accomplished through the passionate pursuit of individuals and organizations with focus.

The most interesting aspect of our news on the many works being accomplished is the unbelievable diversity. From faith based to non-faith based, medical to construction, capacity building to awareness, community development to individual response, the responses are a very clear affirmation that people make the difference.

On behalf of the Special Missions Foundation staff and Board of Directors, we congratulate each and every individual in response to the needs of others. We're here to help you achieve your goals and objectives.

Brian Crowe

Executive Director, Special Missions Foundation

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