Thursday, March 26, 2009

World Economic Impact on NGO's

The volatility of the world economic markets are making a dramatic impact in humanitarian service. This is nothing new to you if you work with an NGO. No doubt, you've seen changes in the bottom line of your budgets thus far. First quarter indications are suffering as result and we are all scrambling to anticipate the best way to meet our mission objectives while simply keeping the lights on. But what is the best strategy in dealing with a roller-coaster ride economically?

Clearly, organizations need to look where they are hemorrhaging donor dollars the most. Thankfully, in the world of nonprofit, we're pretty much in tune with how to get the greatest bang for each dime we spend, but look at the operational strategies and make certain each one has a direct feed to your mission goals. Minimize the 'reflection strategies' or those strategies that have a zig-zag pattern towards reaching your objectives.

Another important consideration is the continual visibility of your org. Our instinct is to hunker-down in times of economic crisis, waiting out the storm in the safety of an organization sitting in 'idle'. Now is the time to rev up your visibility. Let people know your doors are open and you are serving humanity in the most cost efficient manner. Use the many free powerful tools out there found in social networking to get your message 'in play'. And always make certain you include active links to your website and an alternative phone number or email you can be reached at.

Collaborate. Find organizations that have resources to support your mission objectives or provide similar services. This is not a time to be an island unto ourselves but ensure our primary objectives are met in humanitarian aid - saving lives, alleviating suffering and maintaining human dignity. The end result might mean your organization structure looks different than when you started and that's okay - accept that as the natural evolutionary track in your growth curve. But don't be afraid to make new alliances. This creates a win/win/win.

Strategies for success start by taking that first step. Careful planning is critical but it still important to be bold and take that first step. This world economic landscape is quite different than it was just 2 years ago. As much as it is important to hang on to operational models used in the past, it is ever more important to be able to consider changes for the future.

Brian Crowe
Executive Director, Special Missions Foundation

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